Editing services

I offer 30+ years of professional editing, writing, and research experience. As a freelancer, I’ve worked in corporate, nonprofit, academic, and creative settings. I frequently work with authors who are planning to self-publish. I’m always interested in new projects.


Both developmental editing (substantive) and copy editing (line editing). Subjects include psychology, memoir, education, health care, ecology, relationships, couples, spirituality, meditation, yoga, fiction. Special projects include websites, blogs, manuals, textbooks, creative nonfiction, fiction, art ms, dissertations (I have a doctoral degree).

Clients include individual authors as well as publishers and companies: American Psychiatric Press, Austin Independent School District, Benjamin/Cummings, Brooks/Cole, Consulting Psychologists Press, Elder Financial Protection Network, Holy Names University, Hunter House, Island Press, Jossey-Bass, New Harbinger, Pearson, Stanford University Press, UC Berkeley School of Public Health, UNESCO.


Academic writing, training materials, research reports, grant proposals, website content, anything that requires technical information to be presented to a lay audience in a cogent manner. Rewrite specialist (also known as ghostwriter).

Creative consultant:

Looking for a writing coach? I can help you develop your novel or nonfiction project.

For more information, visit me on Bay Area Editors’ Forum.